Windsor Essex Families to Success (WEFtoS)


What is WEFtoS

WEFtoS is an innovative program designed to support single parent families in non-profit and cooperative housing developments using the Sustainable Livelihood Model. The objective of WEFtoS is to prevent homelessness by empowering families to respond to known shocks and stressors. Families will do this by developing adaptive coping strategies that will enable them to take advantage of new opportunities, whether physical, social, political or economic.

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WEFtoS will use a people-centred approach. Activities will be focused on what matters to the participant. WEFtoS will support families as they work to improve the areas of their livelihood that they identify as requiring support.



WEFtoS will work on multiple levels within society. In addition to supporting program participants, WEFtoS will ensure that program activities also inform the development of policies that impact participants. WEFtoS will work in partnership with the following community agencies: Unemployed Help Centre, Financial Fitness, School House Academy, New Canadian Centre of Excellence and the Positive Parenting Program.



Services will be implemented by a team of dedicated and qualified professionals using the Sustainable Livelihoods model and evidence based approaches. The WEFtoS team will respond to participant situations and develop long term commitments alongside the participant.



Financial Assets

  • Meet basic needs
  • Build savings
  • Improve credit ratings and access to credit
  • Increase their income from productive activities (employment/ self-employment

Human Assets

  • Improve technical and interpersonal skills
  • Take advantage of expanding economic opportunities
  • Employment coaching

Physical Assets

  • Childcare
  • Maintain housing
  • Basic needs
  • Transportation
  • Banking services

Personal Assets

  • Motivation
  • Self-esteem
  • Emotional well-being
  • Assertiveness
  • Self-advocacy
  • Independence

Social Assets

  • Networking
  • Relationship building
  • Partnerships and collaboration
  • Political participation